Date: Tue, 25 Oct 1994 14:58:00 EDT From: "Dennis.Preston" <22709MGR[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MSU.EDU> Subject: Re: Distribution of positive "an I was not surprised to hear Bev Hartford's characterization of positive anymore as native to southern Indiana (I am a native user), but I was very much surprised to hear her characterize need X-ed as common in that region. Admittedly, I am from farther south (Louisville), but my first encounter with need X-ed was one of amazement; I thought it was non-native English (let alone extra-regional). Perhaps it has spread (although certainly not to southernmost Indiana which I visit regularly). I would have predicted that need X-ed forms, if in Indiana at all, would have been central to north and generally on the east side of the state. The form for non-native speakers of it is so remarkable that a few hearings may stick with one. Perhaps that is what happened to Beverly in Bloomington. Best, Dennis Preston