Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 19:05:16 EDT From: RENEA C BEELER Subject: Re: Terminology of unexcused absences > > When I was in high school(1987-1991), we always referred to unexcused > absences as "laying out". As a matter of fact, seniors were given a > designated day for unexcused absences,"senior lay-out day". We also used a > term, but not as > often," Hookey." My father used this term more than I did, however. In > the region that I am from, it seems the most accepted term by students > and teachers for unexcused abscences is"laying out." > > Paula R. Browning > Undergraduate > Morehead State University > That's funny. My high school days (1989-1992) unexcused absences were referred to as a "cut". We also had a senior day. Seniors then, referred to it as "national cut" day. My mother uses the word "hookey" when I was in High school, but not as much now since I am in college. R. -- ________________________________ __________________________ | "Two men walking up a Renea Beeler --|-- hill, one disappears, rcbeel01[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] | and one's left standing Morehead State University | still. I wish We'd all | been ready."--Larry Norman -------------------------------- --------------------------