Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 19:11:28 -0500 From: Charles F Juengling Subject: Re: green/string beans On Thu, 5 Oct 1995, Dan Alford wrote: > On Wed, 4 Oct 1995, Charles F Juengling wrote: > > > I drink pop and eat both green and string beans. String beans are a type > > of green beans. String bgeans are the ones that are skinny, like strings! > > WOW -- d'ju hear that, Wayne? Nobody who's spent hours snappin' those > beans with mama would EVER take 'string beans' to be metaphorical for > skinny ones. You're right-- I haven't spent hours snappin' those things with mama; it was my gramma who made me rack up all those hours! FJ It refers to that dadburned string that if you don't take it > out, you or your loved ones will be crunchin' strings in your mouth > instead of savoring the beans. >