Date: Fri, 6 Oct 1995 22:42:16 -0500 From: Charles F Juengling Subject: Re: place names On Fri, 6 Oct 1995, Kathleen M. O'Neill wrote: > One of the suburbs of Chicago is Des Plaines. DESS PLAYNZ. Dubois, Idaho is [DU-bois]n not [du bwa]. The capital of Idaho is Boy-see, not Boy-zee. FJ > > > >As one who has actually been to GalVESton, Ind., let me throw in two other > >Hoosier place names that aren't pronounced the way most "foreigners" to our > >state always assume. One is Chili, Ind., which is pronounced CHEYE-lie, and > >Peru, which--in Indiana only--has the accent on the first syllable. > >Oh, and there is also Pulaski County, where the native insist that it be > >pronounced Pulask-eye (not -ee). > >What a funny, but interesting, little state we have here. > > > >Jerry Miller > >Pulliam School of Journalism > >Franklin College (Ind.) > > >