End of ADS-L Digest - 7 Oct 1995 to 8 Oct 1995 ********************************************** There are 33 messages totalling 850 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. input to discussions 2. pop/green/string beans (3) 3. Polk salad and rampy stuff (5) 4. oj stuff -Reply 5. Anyone need an M-W 3rd Collegiate? 6. place names 7. /z/ + /n/ = /d/ + /n/ (10) 8. miscellany, lexical (7) 9. NWAVE hand-outs 10. Ah'm is/rapeseed/canola oil 11. fewer addresses 12. . . .fun ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 09:07:00 -0700 From: "Sheridan, Kathleen" Subject: input to discussions Here is a compilation of the various comments I sent in that didn't get through. Re: Stove/Range To me, a stove and a range are the same thing, but I use the term "stove." I was brought up in Utah but lived most recently in Georgia. Most members of my family now live in Georgia, but I would think it strange to hear one of them use the term "range" in ordinary conversation. I have just discussed the terms "stove" and "range" with a colleague who was born in Kansas and grew up there. He says that they had no electricity or running water when he was growing up, but they had both a stove and a range (both wood-fueled). He says that the stove was for heating and the range was for cooking and was sometimes referred to as a "cooking range." * * * * * * * * * * * Re: Ice box/Refrigerator, etc. I was having a discussion about "ice box" last night. It seemed to follow normally on the heels of "stove" vs. "range" (perhaps because they're both kitchen appliances). I used the term "ice box" growing up but use "refrigerator" now. I remember friends of mine when I was growing up used the term "fridge" but we never did. My colleague who grew up in Kansas without electricity and running water also uses the term "ice box" but then he grew up with a real ICE BOX and not an electric refrigerator. I'm interested to know about the distinction between "closet" and "cupboard." I can keep my clothes in either the closet or the cupboard--the terms are interchangeable in that sense. But I would never put dishes in a "closet." My husband gets very upset when I use "cupboard" for "closet" because the terms are not interchangeable for him at all. ************* Re: String Beans/Green Beans My maternal grandmother, mother, and I were all born in Salt Lake City. My grandmother and mother both seemed to use "string bean" and "green bean" interchangeably when I was growing up. I remember that it caused me a lot of confusion because I never could figure out what the difference was. I never use the term "string bean" and I don't think I've even heard it used for quite awhile. ************* Re: Unexcused Absences Growing up in Utah, we used the term to "slough school" when we were cutting classes (that's "slough" that rhymes with "enough"). ************* Re: Pronunciation by Newscasters One of my favorites from a CNN weather person was the pronunciation of achipelago like someone's name: Archie PelAgo. ************* Re: Johnny at the Rathole I have asked my Irish colleagues about this and none of them have heard it. One of my English colleagues, however, said that he had heard it but didn't know what it meant. ************* Re: Today I have to do the . . . . "Today I have to do the laundry." ************* Re: Pop/Soda We never said "pop" or "soda" for soft drinks, although I had friends who did. We always used the name of the product or substance: "coke" for Coke, "seven-up" for Seven-Up, "root beer," etc. * * * * * * * * * * Kathleen Sheridan k.sheridan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]cgnet.com International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) The Hague, The Netherlands * * * * * * * * * *