Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 13:40:03 -0400 From: Robert Nicolao Subject: : REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) moderated group This a formal Request For Discussion concerning the creation of a new moderated newsgroup called This is not a Call For Votes (CFV). Please do not vote at this time. RATIONALE: Research on African Languages; all with the exception of Bantu, is at present non-existent in discussions carried out within Newsgroups or on mailing lists. This is also true of comparative research on African Languages. It is for this reason that a group of comparative linguistics specialists dealing in African languages of the Sahel region ( proposes to create a newsgroup entitled: The group formed as a network around a research project concerned with lexical distribution in the Sahel-Sahara zone, as well as with the study of linguistic connections among languages in the region. It is a French CNRS research organism END RATIONALE CHARTER: As a moderated group, would be open to topics where comparative linguistics in african languages are the subject of discussion, this would include : -languages and language families present in the Sahel-Sahara zone: Mande, Chadic, Berber, Nilo-Saharan... - Analysis of results obtained in the research on genetic relationships. - Problems related to the description of changes in the context of languages of oral tradition. - Understanding linguistic changes and all the relevant factors concerning language transformation. Research workers who do not specialize in the above-mentioned languages, but who nevertheless are interested in general issues of theoretical or methodological value for the work carried out or research tools involved, are welcome to contribute. Issues of the following type will thus be discussed: - Empirical issues (Particular facts pertaining to a language or a group). - Methodological issues (Procedures and methods of description). - Theoretical issues (Principles of language change). - Epistemological or cognitive issues (The validity of established facts and how these are obtained). Contributions can be posted either in english or in french. END CHARTER MODERATION: will be a moderated group. The group has designated Robert Nicolai, initiator and director of the project, as Moderator. Moderator: Robert Nicolai Contributions liables to be refused : 1) off-topic articles 2) gross profanity and indecency 3) binaries 4) advertising 5) non-specialist articles END MODERATION PROCEDURE This message initiates a discussion period to consider the creation of a newsgroup. Discussion will take place on news.groups. If discussions are made in other newsgroups, they should always be cross-posted to news.groups. * This is not a call for votes. Please do not attempt to vote now. A call for votes (CFV) will be issued approximately 4 weeks after this RFD. When the CFV is posted, there will be instructions on how to mail your votes to the independent vote-taker. END PROCEDURE DISTRIBUTION: This RFD is in accordance with the Guidelines for Newsgroups Creation, and has been cross-posted to the following relevant newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.lang,soc.culture.nigeria, It will also be posted in the following discussion-list : Australian-Linguistics- L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] CORPORA: CORPORA[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]HD.UIB.NO LINGUIST: LINGUIST[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] SCHOLAR: SCHOLAR[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] ADS-L: ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] AMAZIGH-NET: Rodolphe Suescun suescun[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Djamal Bouzida djb[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] ENDANGERED-LANGUAGES-L: ENDANGERED-LANGUAGES- L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] INDOEUROPEAN-L: Antony Green adg1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] NAT-LANG: NAT-LANG[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] SWAHILI-L: SWAHILI-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]RELAY.ADP.WISC.EDU SEALANG-L: * sealang-l-request[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] * gwyn[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (Gwyn Williams) * trin[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (Trin Tantsetthi) KAMUSI-L : kamusi-l[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Martin Benjamin, email : hickory[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] INFO-SIL: evan.antworth[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] INFO-SIL[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]SIL.ORG ARCLING: Malcom Ross , malcom.ross[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]anu[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] FUNKNET : tgivon[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] END DISTRIBUTION -- Proposed by : Robert Nicolai ---------------------------------------- Robert NICOLAI GDRE 1172 CNRS - UNSA 63 boulevard de la Madeleine 06000 NICE - FRANCE Tel. (33) 93 97 59 39 ----------------------------------------