Date: Fri, 3 Oct 1997 15:16:00 -0500 From: Cynthia Bernstein Subject: Re: pop one's fingers I polled my undergraduate intro to linguistics class at Auburn (Alabama), but none had "pop" to mean "snap." About a third of them used "pop" with "knuckles" or "fingers" to mean 'to crack one's knuckles (fingers)'. Cynthia Bernstein Dept. of English Auburn University, AL 36849-5203 On Fri, 3 Oct 1997, Joan Houston Hall wrote: > We didn't ask this question in the DARE questionnaire, but anecdotal > evidence suggests that "to pop one's fingers," meaning 'to snap one's > fingers' (i.e., sliding the middle finger quickly off the thumb onto the > palm, making a snapping sound) is found chiefly in the South. Are some of > you familiar with the term? When? Where? > > Thanks-- > > Joan >