Date: Wed, 8 Oct 1997 22:43:13 -0400 From: "Bethany K. Dumas" Subject: Law & Society Ass'n Annual Call for Papers: Language and Law The annual meeting of the Law & Society Ass'n will be at Snowmass Village, Aspen, Colorado, USA, June 4-7, 1998. The theme is "Making Connections Across Disciplines, Theories, and Methods." In recent years (since 1990), this Association has featured 2-4 panels on language and law, as well as related presentations of interest to linguists. Abstracts and other proposals for participation are due December 16, 1997. It has been a custom of several of us interested in language and law to propose panels prior to the deadline. Typically, we take turns receiving abstracts and proposing panels, including chairs. This year, Ron Butters and I have offered to coordinate proposals. He and I will meet on the weekend of Nov. 1-2 for that purpose. We hope to have all session proposals complete by November 2. If you are interested in proposing a paper or other kind of presentation, and would like to have it included in the proposals we will prepare, please send me an abstract using the guide below. I can accept proposals through noon on October 29 via snail-mail (to my U. of Tennessee address below). PLEASE NOTE THE NEW REQUIREMENT FOR A CHECK OR CREDIT CARD SIGNATURE (BELOW). Because of the new requirement, please note that you will have to mail your proposal; please allow time for it to arrive. I am leaving for Durham on the morning of October 30. Some of us hope that a number of linguists will submit abstracts for papers that may go into sessions other than language & law sessions (although we also hope that there will be 2-3 such sessions). Ron and I will be glad to coordinate the submission of those abstracts. Our goal is to avoid the scheduling of sessions involving language and law at the same time during the program. (We have been very successful in achieving that goal in the past by coordinating our submissions.) The abstract form requires all the information requested below (no need for anonymity). FOR THE FIRST TIME, ALL PROPOSALS MUST ALSO BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN "ADMINISTRATION PROCESSING FEE" OF $25 ($5 FOR STUDENTS). THIS PER-PARTICIPANT (NOT PER-PARTICIPATION) FEE WILL BE REFUNDED IF THE PROPOSED PRESENTATION IS NOT ACCEPTED BY THE PROGRAM COMMITTEE; OTHERWISE, IT WILL BE CREDITED TOWARD THE REGISTRATION FEE (NO REFUNDS FOR WITHDRAWALS OR NO-SHOWS.) YOU MUST INCLUDE A CHECK FOR $25 WITH YOUR ABSTRACT OR ELSE SEND US A COPY OF YOUR INDIVIDUAL PROPOSAL FORM (AVAILABLE FROM THE WEBSITE) INCLUDING YOUR CREDIT CARD NO., EXPIRATION DATE, AND SIGNATURE. IF YOU DO NOT SEND US EITHER A CHECK OR A SIGNED FORM, WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO INCLUDE YOUR PROPOSAL. THE ONLY PERSONS WHO DO NOT HAVE TO PAY THE FEE ARE NON-PRESENTING CO-AUTHORS AND THOSE WHOSE ONLY MEETING PARTICIPATION IS AS A PANEL CHAIR OR DISCUSSANT. Additional information will be available (and updated frequently) at the L&SA website: INFORMATION THAT WE NEED: NAME: ADDRESS: TEL: FAX: EMAIL ADDRESS: POSITION OR TITLE: INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION: PRESENTATION AND TITLE PRESENTATION TYPE: PAPER _____ POSTER _____ (WE WILL SUPPLY KEYWORD NOS.) ABOVE INFO FOR CO-AUTHOR, IF ANY: A-V REQUIREMENTS: >>>>>ADMINISTRATION PROCESSING FEE CHECK: YOU MUST INCLUDE A CHECK FOR $25 OR A SIGNED PROPOSAL FORM.<<<<< I look forward to receiving your proposals. Please do not foget to send a check or a signed proposal form. Bethany Bethany K. Dumas, J.D., Ph.D. Applied Linguistics, Language & Law Dep't of English/Chair, Ling. Prog. 301/1117 McClung Tower University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996-0430 USA 423-974-6965, 423-974-6926 (FAX) EMAIL: Editor, Language in the Judicial Process: [9-12/97: Professorial Lecturer/Dep't of Linguistics/470 ICC/ Georgetown U./ Washington, D.C. 20057/202-687-5956, 202-687-5712 (FAX)]