Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 01:18:26 -0700 From: Kim & Rima McKinzey Subject: Re: Those (expletive deleted) stereotypes Aarrgh!!! I am thoroughly sick and tired of the perpetuation of the stereotype of the "rudeness/brusqueness/incivility/etc., etc. of New Yorkers. It is as invalid as the stereotyping of Midwesterners as wonderful/down home/common-sensical/honest/caring/etc., etc. No one area, thank goodness, has folks of either all good attributes or all bad attributes. I've lived on both coasts (including North Carolina) and in the middle and I got really disgusted by the perpetuation of these absolutely invalid stereotypes and having to defend New York and feeling that I had to puncture the ridiculous myth of the midwest in honest balance. End of rant. Sorry. Rima