Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 15:51:16 -0500 From: Mark Mandel Subject: Summary: AmEng external sandhi I asked on the LINGUIST List (#8.1442) and on ADS-L (the American Dialect Soc'y list): I am looking for descriptions of external sandhi in American English, especially such pronunciations as are often written "gotcha" (for canonical "got you"). I will post a summary to the list if there is sufficient interest. Many people kindly replied. Here is a summary of their replies: ===== Peter T. Daniels wrote: You need the work of a short-lived school of phonology called "natural generative phonology," which flourished(?) in the early 1970s in connection with the generative semantics school centered on the University of Chicago. The key name is David Stampe, whose dissertation was originally called "What I did on my summer vacation" but was retitled "A dissertation in natural phonology." You'll find articles in this genre in the Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistic Society from those years, and a volume from a Parasession on Natural Phonology in 1975 or so. [And I have the CLS volumes from that period at home, somewhere, from my Berkeley years. -- MAM] ===== James Giangola recommended _Patterns of English Pronunciation_ by J. Donald Bowen (UCLA), 1975, provided some samples, and even offered to fax me the relevant pages. [Thanks, James, but I found a copy at MIT.] ===== Ben Brumfield pointed out a regional example: Piedmont Virginia (Pittsylvania County, at least) features the case of /rajc^ yi:r/ Ri-Cheer For "Right Here" ===== Mel Resnick pointed me to his article: Resnick, Melvyn C. "The Redundant English Phonemes /c^,j^,s^,z^/." Linguistics 86 (1972): 83-86. Those symbols in the title are of course in place of the usual wedge symbols. ===== Aaron Drews recommends "any introductory linguistics text for a description of GA (General American) sandhi." ===== The redoubtable Arnold Zwicky advised: the problem here is that there's so much literature. for the GOTCHA stuff, one good place to start is joel rotenberg's 1978 mit dissertation, The Syntax of Phonology. [And whaddya know, Arnold, I found that one at MIT too!] ===== Betty Phillips pointed me to Holst, Tara & Francis Nolan. 1995. "The influence of syntactic structure on [s] to [ ] assimilation." _Phonology and Phonetic Evidence: Papers in Laboratory Phonology IV_. Eds. Bruce Connell & Amalia Arvaniti. Cambridge UP. 315-333. (where [ ] = "esh") [Also found at MIT.] ===== Alan Grosenheider and KIM DAMMERS mentioned some more English examples, and Kate McCreight described some work she's currently involved in. ===== My thanks to all! Mark A. Mandel : Senior Linguist : mark[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Dragon Systems, Inc. : speech recognition : +1 617 965-5200 320 Nevada St., Newton, MA 02160, USA : Personal home page: