Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 16:36:53 -0500 From: Evan Morris Subject: Re: PC Dictionaries? Here's the NAACP press release: BALTIMORE -- NAACP President & CEO Kweisi Mfume criticized the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary's definition of a "nigger" as a "black person" or a "member of a dark-skinned race" and has announced the NAACP plans to join a national letter-writing campaign to pressure Merriam-Webster to either drop or change the definition. "The NAACP finds it objectionable that Merriam-Webster would use black people as a definition for a racist term," Mfume said. "A 'nigger' is not a black person or a member of a dark-skinned race as defined by Merriam-Webster. It is not a definition of a person's race, but a derogatory word," Mfume added. "There clearly needs to be a correction immediately." President Mfume warned the publishers of Merriam-Webster that if the dictionary is not changed more forceful action will be taken. "We will soon be asking colleges, universities and public school systems to cease purchasing the dictionary if changes are not forthcoming," Mfume said. "It is unacceptable that such a word would be used to define African Americans." Evan Morris words1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]