Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 14:54:37 -0600 From: Dennis Baron Subject: Re: Teaching the History of the English Language Yes, where do I sign? Dennis At 01:35 PM 10/28/97 -0500, you wrote: >The University of Michigan Press is considering a co-publication agreement >with Edinburgh University Press on a reader called "Everyday English, >1500-1700." > >Selections are arranged thematically (e. g., "abuse," "accounts,") and >there is useful apparatus. All extracts show original spelling and are >drawn from ms. sources in England, Scotland, and the United States. There >is much sociolinguistic detail and students can form hypotheses on Y/Th- >pronouns and social class (for instance). > >The U-M Press wonders if this book would be adoped by teachers of the >history of English. If you believe there is a GOOD CHANCE that you would >adopt such a reader as a course book, please let me know. > > Richard W. Bailey >< > >[Note: Please reply directly to Professor Bailey. He's not a subscriber of >ADS-L. - Allan Metcalf] > > Dennis Baron, Acting Head phone: 217-333-2390 Department of English fax: 217-333-4321 University of Illinois email: debaron[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] 608 S. Wright Street Urbana, IL 61801