Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 15:18:26 EST From: Billy Hamilton Subject: flying f. I saw where someone mentioned the use of the term "flying fuck," as in "I don't give a flying fuck." It is interesting that this came up, because my best friend uses this expression all the time. I have always wondered where she came up with it - she is the only person I have ever heard use it. So what are it's origins? Branching off of the discussion of derogatory terms, what about the term "indian giver?" This is a phrase I still hear at times today, and it angers me every time someone says it. I am a Cherokee and that is just as offensive to me as "nigger" would be to an African-American. This perpetuates a negative stereotype of people of my race. However, people do not really seem to care all that much when they insult Native Americans. I see this as evidence that negative feelings concerning this group still exist in some form. Throughout the history of the U.S., Native Americans have been viewed as a "lesser form" of human. They have been widely mistreated. But, unlike the cases with other forms of racial discrimination, no one seems to care about this problem except the people hurt by the attitudes. The lack of concern over phrases such as "indian giver" is just an extension of the "abuse them and then ignore them" attitude that many Americans have always had about Native Americans. Billy Hamilton