Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 20:59:00 EST From: Billy Hamilton Subject: Indian Giver Brian, I see what you are saying, but that is not how I have always understood it. As I understand it, "indian giver" refers to instances in which the white people tricked Native Americans out of land, by various means. The Indians often did not understand that they had given up that land, but still thought it was theirs and attacked the white settlers moving in. Thus, the white people got mad and said that the Indians were going back on their deals, when in reality they had been tricked and did not know it. Thus, "indian giver" refers to someone who gives a person something and then wants it back. I could be wrong, but that is how I understand it. It is a term that angers the Native Americans I know and have encountered, thus I feel that I have not been too far astray in my understanding of the term. Billy Hamilton