Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 13:59:12 +0000 From: David Bergdahl Subject: Neck Hue In this university town in Appalachian Ohio "redneck" is currently the term-of-abuse for local kids (not townies, not university faculty brats) in the Middle School. Athens Middle School is the first site of social class mixing and social class stereotyping runs rampant, esp. among university kids. Competing terms are "Rutter" [after a local family name], "wanker" [< British slang?] or "plugger" [< use of chewing tobacco?]. Fifteen to twenty years ago when my older kids were at AMS, the competing terms were "ridge-runner" and "hill-jack." -- _____________________________________________________________________ bergdahl[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Ohio University / Athens Ellis Hall 114c tel: (614) 593-2783 office hrs: TTh 9-10 fax: (614) 593-2818 & by appointment