Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 18:01:13 +0000 From: Ashlea Allen Subject: Hill Jack/jake/jakey Speaking of David Bergdahl's reference to the use of "hill-jack" in southeastern Ohio , has anyone ever heard the term "jake" /jek/ used to refer to someone who is poorly dressed? (not necessarily poor as in monetary poor). The adjective being "jakey"? We use it in my native southern Ohio, and I've heard of its use in Ironton, OH (southern OH across the river from Ashland, KY) as well. Now I'm wondering if maybe "jake/jakey" came from "hill jack" or "jack". Any thoughts on this? Along similar lines then, PERHAPS, is its relationship to "hoopy". This term, "hoopie/hoopy" seems to be jake's equivalent in much of northeastern OH. From what some natives of that area have told me, "hoopy" like "jake" is used to describe someone who is poorly dressed, off in appearance. I believe the term originally was used to refer to the folk from WV who had moved to the area to work in the factories/industries. If this is the case with both jake and hoopy, I think it's interesting that we have terms which have originated to refer to Appalachian people and over time, both have changed to refer to the (poor) physical appearance/attire of a person -- Appalachian or not. Any thoughts? Can anyone think of words with similar etymologies or uses? Ashlea