Date: Wed, 21 Sep 1994 11:13:00 PDT


Subject: Call for Proposals

CALL FOR PROPOSALS. The 1995 annual meeting of the Oral History

Association will be held on October 19-22 in Milwaukee, WI.

"Reflections on Relationships in Oral History Research" is the

theme. OHA invites scholars and practitioners from a variety of

disciplines and fields to submit by December 15, 1994, proposals

for individual papers, panels, roundtables, workshops, and entire

sessions. Contact Professor Michael A. Gordon, Department of

History, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, P.O. Box 413,

Milwaukee, WI 53201; (414) 229-4314; fax (414) 229-6827; e-mail

mgordon[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]; or Professor Gwendolyn Etter-Lewis,

Department of English, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI

49008-5092; (616) 387-2629; fax (616) 387-3999; e-mail

etter_lewis[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

Dale Treleven/Alva Stevenson, UCLA Oral History Program
