Date: Wed, 6 Sep 1995 12:37:04 -0400
Subject: Re: English-only
English should never become a second language in America. If it were not
so, the founding fathers would have written the constitution in several
other languages. I feel it is a disgrace when considerations to alter
American society for the betterment of the less fortunant is ridiculous.
My grandparents came from Italy, and had to learn English if they wanted
to succeed in life. Thus, I feel if someone does not know or want to
learn English...TOUGH! Furthermore, it is disgusting to go down towards
Miami or Southern California and seeing all those Spanish signs. It
almost makes me feel as if I were in mexico (yes thats a small 'm').
Also, it is a waste of my tax dollars on teaching young immigrants their
native languages rather than the English language. The breakdown of one
source of communication is another aspect of how this country is falling
To continue, conservatives attacking the liberals......poor baby! Hello,
wake-up call! The liberals have attacked the conservative viewpoints for
over 30 years, right? And, they have had this country in their control
for that longer, or longer, right? And, finally they have been forcing
their liberal views on this society long enough. It is way past due for
America to stand up again and realize what this countrys core values are.
I am not against homosexuals, women who feel they need abortions, or
against any viewpoint the liberals might have. I just feel we need to
re-evaluate how we deal with teen-age sex, drugs, crime, and racism. I
am so tired of everybody crying foul, and saying this group offended this
group. Come on WAKE-UP AMERICA......pitts off!
Still a Patriot!