Date: Wed, 6 Sep 1995 17:01:24 -0400
From: "Christopher R. Coolidge" ccoolidg[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MOOSE.UVM.EDU
Subject: Re: English-only
To all you alarmists out there, declaring one obviously predominantly spo-
ken language the "official" language of a country does not mean the kiss of
death for other languages spoken in that country. It merely officially states
what's self-evident. On the other hand, I am strongly against language ever
becoming a legal question; you only have to look at Quebec, where you prac-
tically need a law degree specialising in language law to understand the le-
gal ramifications of displaying a public sign in English in Quebec. In a nut-
shell, an English sign can be posted indoors(in a store, for example)if ac-
companied by a French translation where the letters are at least twice as big
as those in the English print; outdoors, a sign may be displayed in French
along with any other, but only one other language. This could be Chinese,
English, Italian, Cree, Inuit...There are many exceptions depending on the
size of the store or establishment. The only place where English and French
get equal treatment is in federal government buildings; in provincial go-
vernment buildings, everything's in French, with English translations
available on request.
Gee, don't we have it good down here? So what if we have an official lan-
guage. The official language of Holland is Dutch, in Norway it's Norwegian,
and so on. There are other languages spoken besides the predominant langu-
age in any country. Try granting official status to the several thousand
different dialects and languages in India, ALL of them, and see what hap-
pens. Chaos. Those who want to keep a language alive will never let it die.
We don't need governments legislating language.