Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 08:17:52 -0600
Subject: EOL legislation
I apologize for not letting this thread die (quite yet).
On Thu, 14 Sep 1995, Donald Larmouth wrote:
I thought it might be useful to review exactly what is involved in the proposed
"English only" legislation--especially since the author of H.R. 739 is Toby
Roth, the congressman from my district here in Wisconsin.
Actually, there are at least six bills before the House right now having
to do directly with such legislation (including H.J. Res. 87, a
constitutional amendment sponsored by Steve Stockman of Texas that requires
everyone over the age of five to be able to communicate in English in order
to obtain citizenship). One of the six bills (H. Con. Res. 83) opposes the
establishment of an official language (while at the same time recognizing
that English is the dominant language); the other five favor it.
There are also bills dealing indirectly with the concept, including (for
example) one that provides tax deductions to employers who pay to have
English taught to their employees.
The four remaining bills attempting to establish English as the official
language (H.R. 123, H.R. 345, H.R. 739, and H.R. 1005) all state that they
are amending title 4 of the U.S. Code (I don't know what title 4 says), and
they also all state that English is to be considered the official language
of government. H.R 739, the one sponsored by Congressman Roth, is typical
of them; I'm including the complete text below for anyone who's interested.
I'm also including the texts of the bill opposing EOL and of the proposed
constitutional amendment.