Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 21:34:52 EDT
Subject: Re: bullets
Well, it was a nice suggestion. What's funny is that the lexicons seem to
list the derived meanings (I take it that this 'bullet' is a secondary forma-
tion from the PP 'with a bullet', as is the verb listed elsewhere) but for the
most part not the expression they derive from. Maybe Billboard magazine has
that one copyrighted :)
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Sorry, J. E. Lighter's _Random House Historical Dictionary of American
Slang_ (vol. 1, A-G) is not any help. Meaning 12. Says (in its entirety)
"_Music Industry_. A recording that rapidly becomes a hit. 1974
_Night-Stalker_ (ABC-TV): A _bullet_ is a tune that goes right to the top,
that's gonna be a hit. 1979 Homer _Jargon_ 119: _Bullet_. A record
believed to be a potential success."
I guess for "with a bullet" we'll have to wait until they get to the volume
that has W in it.