End of ADS-L Digest - 18 Sep 1995 to 19 Sep 1995
There are 41 messages totalling 920 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. ?Movie/T.V. dumb laugh ending (fwd)
2. bilectal commercial
3. Mouse/Mice=House/Hice (7)
4. Pulitzer Prze (6)
5. bizzing (3)
6. irreg plurals
7. budge
8. add me to the discussion group
9. Positive Anymore (3)
10. Terminology of unexcused absences (5)
11. tardys vs. tardies (3)
12. plural of "tardy"
13. no mishaps
14. reasonably bizarre anymore! (2)
15. ?Gordon Bennett & PEW litzer (2)
16. SES in sociolinguistics
17. A coinage worth keeping
18. Going postal