Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 00:38:05 -0700
From: Rima & Kim McKinzey rkm[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]SLIP.NET
Subject: Re: ?Movie/T.V. dumb laugh ending (fwd)
The new Star Treks (TNG, DS9, Voyager) don't do that so much anymore, but I
know what you mean. As a side note, I do know that when there's something
technical/scientific in the script - but the scriptwriter doesn't really
know what it is - they write tech. That is, e.g., someone will say "The
tech isn't teching, and we need to tech the tech before it blows up."
I do like gerplex, however, and will pass it along to a friend who works on
the Voyager set.