Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 12:31:55 EDT
From: Douglas Bayer x3701 3NW dbayer[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]YUKON.HQ.ILEAF.COM
Subject: Re: Mouse/Mice=House/Hice
[Vicki Rosenzweig of New York, NY wrote:]
Hm. I do voice the f in "wolf's" and "wife's."
Hm. One of *live's little mysteries...
Is your "wife's" closer to "wuh-aves" or "wah-eves"?
(Do you raise or center /ay/ before voiceless consonants,
but not in free syllables or before voiced consonants?)
Born to Eastun New Englandas but raised and educated in
Greeat Laeekes Cities, I have:
wife/wife's | wives/wives' why/wise
[w[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ef] | [wa:Ivz] [wa:I]
[w[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]efs] | [wa:Iz]
life/life's | lives/lives' lie/lies
[l[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ef] | [la:Ivz] [la:I]
[l[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]efs] | [la:Iz]
--Doug (Boston)