Date: Sun, 24 Sep 1995 14:56:53 -0400
From: Virginia Clark vpclark[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MOOSE.UVM.EDU
Subject: Re: Could I please ask...
At 12:18 AM 9/24/95 EDT, you wrote:
What do we mwan by "Lig."??? (Ling.?)
Bethany Dumas
yes, I can't spell so I abbreviate. (Lingistics)
Why do you think that linguistics is another English course?
Virginia Clark
________________________________ __________________________
| "Two men walking up a
Renea Beeler --|-- hill, one disappears,
rcbeel01[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] | and one's left standing
Morehead State University | still. I wish We'd all
| been ready."--Larry Norman
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