End of ADS-L Digest - 26 Sep 1995 to 27 Sep 1995


There are 43 messages totalling 1235 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

1. going metric

2. ? Phrase: "Johnny at the rathole" (fwd)

3. Masters programs and beyond (9)

4. candy bars and measurements -Reply (2)

5. Going Decimal (3)

6. Phrase (3)

7. Metric? Bah! Humbug!

8. candy bar (3)

9. from Lynne re candy (3)

10. jobs and pragmatism

11. candy bars and measurements (2)

12. reese's cups

13. Query about Language Concentrations in English Depts. (5)

14. X-Post from LINGUIST: Varieties of English

15. What Can You Do with a Degree in X (2)

16. metrification

17. Language in the Judicial Process: Issue 2 will be online shortly

18. from Lynne re candy -Reply

19. What Can You Do with a Degree in X -Reply

20. metrification -Reply
