Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 22:29:08 EDT
Subject: Re: candy & measurements - take 3
As far as candy bars go, if it isn't chocolate, why bother? My feeling,
terminology-wise, is that if it's about the right shape, it's a candy bar.
Who else remembers the Big Daddy taffy candy bars that we got in the movies
because they would last the whole time?
I remember the Big Daddy taffy. My dad has a grocery store back home,
and he sells them. I can't believe those things are still being sold. I
think that the theatre downtown sells it, but I'm not for sure.
Someone mentioned the stove/range usage. I am from Louisville. And
back home if we want a drink we say "coke". It basically due to the fact that
whatever product is out first, that is the name that you use (ex. Klennex for
tissue or Xerox for a copier). Well, at school, which is a small town, they
say "pop" cause of the sound that a can makes when you open it. I can't get
use to the change. I am starting to say "pop" instead of "coke" because I am
down here more than I am back home and my friends say it.
________________________________ __________________________
| "Two men walking up a
Renea Beeler --|-- hill, one disappears,
rcbeel01[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] | and one's left standing
Morehead State University | still. I wish We'd all
| been ready."--Larry Norman
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