Date: Tue, 3 Sep 1996 22:24:30 EDT
Subject: Re: Kimmelweck
This menu sure makes ME hungry for one of those wecks, with or without
caraway. (I love the tuna 'on' weck and pork 'on' weck, with those classic
unattributed prep quotes, but I think I'll take the black 'n' blue weck
myself.) As for the reanalysis of 'kimmelweck' as containing obligatory salt
(if that) and optional caraway, as Dennis P. notes, this is the typical
pattern when transparency is lost, even within a language, much less for
borrowings. It's an instance of semantic shift as described by Stern (1931)
and other such works, which I like to diagram as
A-- A(B)-- (A)B-- B,
whose locus classicus is the reanalysis of BEAD 'prayer' -- 'prayer kept
track of with little wooden balls' -- 'little wooden balls used to keep track
of prayers' -- 'little (wooden) balls'. Another nice one is HORN, where the
eponymous musical instrument typically bears as little connection to the
original animal head ornament as the kimmelweck evidently does to caraway
--Larry Horn