Date: Wed, 4 Sep 1996 13:56:11 CDT
Subject: Re: American accent
The French have a reputation, only partly deserved, of cringing whenever
an American accent is within earshot. A lot of this stuff is pragmatic,
though. Americans can often be spotted in the distance, long before they
open their mouths, by their styles, the way they walk and act (I know
that all of this is hopelessly subjective, so please don't ask me to
explain this last remark). So the situation is already set up for a
particular reaction to American speech habits, which have become
stigmatized by association with other things rather than with the
particular way French phonology is contorted, which of course varies
widely depending on the individual and his/her background in French.
My French is good enough that I never got anything but compliments for
nine years that I spent in France. So I am a good counter-example to
the generalization, but in a way that underlines the strength of
perceptions: I was rarely ever pegged by the French as having an
"American accent"; they always thought I was from England or Belgium
or someplace else--and occasionally, they even thought I was French--
because Americans have a reputation over there for not being able to
speak French very well. One other note of interest, Americans over there
are often said to have a nasalized accent. This seems strange coming from
a people whose language includes contrastive nasals, but, in fact, that
may be part of the explanation of this perception. Americans can flame
away with nasality overlaying all their vowels without even being aware
of it, whereas the French, for whom it phonemically contrastive, are
thereby more perceptually sensitive to it. But then Americans say the
same thing about the French sometimes because of all the nasal vowels
they hear punctuating French speech at regular intervals. So the
perception works both ways, but not necessarily for the same reasons.
Just a theory.
Mike Picone
University of Alabama