Date: Wed, 4 Sep 1996 16:09:30 -0500
Subject: "=" wrongs (was: "Ami")
Duane Campbell wrote:
It's German slang, though it might also occur in other languages.
Pronoun# ced#20
AH-mee. In Germany the word seldom stands alone, but is most often
seen a# s#20 part of the phrase "bl#FCte Ami".
Well, he didn't write exactly that. I've substituted pound signs ("#") for the
equal signs ("=") that doubtless he didn't write either but that were
probably inserted by his mailer, along with some of the characters that
followed them.* I don't know what the %^&*() most of them are for, but
they seem to be related to meaningless readjustments of the margin. But
the last one, in the middle of the German phrase, seems to go with "FC",
which is hexadecimal for
superscript "n" (or lowercase Greek eta) in PC-ASCII
u-umlaut in Windows
probably more and different things in Macintosh and Unix
God-knows-what in other systems.
u-umlaut is the likeliest reading here, but it does take deciphering. A
general plea: PLEASE don't use accented letters on this list, or any other
characters that aren't on a standard keyboard. You never can tell what's
going to happen to them before they reach other people's screens, but
you can safely bet that most of the time it won't be good. Available
alternatives in this case include
"blute Ami" (umlaut over u)
"blu"te Ami" (that's an umlaut)
"bluete Ami"
and even maybe, Heaven help us,
"bl u umlaut te Ami"
* I made the substitution because Duane's mailer, and probably some
others' as well, may be smart enough to take it as well as dishing it out,
and in that case he and they wouldn't have any idea what I'm talking
Mark A. Mandel : mark[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Dragon Systems, Inc. : speech recognition : +1 617 965-5200
320 Nevada St., Newton, MA 02160, USA :