Date: Thu, 5 Sep 1996 08:45:04 -0600
From: Luanne von Schneidemesser lvonschn[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]FACSTAFF.WISC.EDU
Subject: Re: "Ami"
In message Thu, 5 Sep 1996 00:08:54 -0400,
Jason Wilke wilke[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]NJ2.N-JCENTER.COM writes:
BTW, where do you get "Ami" for "American"? That's a new one on me.
& how do you pronounce it?
I have been living in Germany. That's a colloquial term for Ami's in
It's not derrogatory.
It is considered by many to be derogatory.
Luanne von Schneidemesser
Dictionary of American Regional English
6129 H.C. White Hall, 600 N. Park St.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison WI 53706
(608) 263-2748