Date: Thu, 5 Sep 1996 17:26:50 -0400
From: "Christopher R. Coolidge" ccoolidg[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MOOSE.UVM.EDU
Subject: Re: kimmelwick
On Sun, 1 Sep 1996, Jason Wilke wrote:
I have just finished a degree in German, and I am fairly certain that it
is not German, although it could very well be a German dialect-word. I
speak High German, but I cannot understand Bayuvarisch or Alemanisch,
etc. to but a minor extent. Regional foods are often named with dialect.
I have a Dutch friend that I could ask, although I can tell you that
Danish and Dutch are both similar to German, and the Scandinavian
languages are similar to a lesser degree.
If you could tell me what, apart from the sound of the word, influenced
you to think it is German, I might be able to assist better.
Jason Wilke
It could easily be Yiddish, which borrows heavily from German.