Date: Sat, 7 Sep 1996 10:33:26 -0400
From: "Christopher R. Coolidge" ccoolidg[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MOOSE.UVM.EDU
Subject: Re: American accent (was: Kimmelweck)
Growing up in Montreal as an Anglo, I notice that the Anglo-Quebec
accent isn't. It's the closest I've heard to non-accented English from
native English speakers. It's the kind of non-accented, perfect English I
hear from people in the tourism industry in Holland or the Scandiavian
countries, like they learned it from an instruction tape. In Montreal,
though, I'll hear Anglos borrowing little bits of other peoples accents
unconsciously(like my mother!), or at the other extreme, sounding stodgy
and square("Uh, Hi, John-Gee. How's it going, eh?"). In my case, wherever
I go, people think I'm from somewhere else. I have never been mistaken
for a native of wherever I happen to be.