Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 01:35:18 -0400

From: "Barry A. Popik" Bapopik[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM


Who can forget when the Titanic went down? Gosh, I remember it like it

was last week!

And that phrase, that AWFUL phrase--"Women and children first!"

Thank you!

Neil Simon played it perfectly in his musical LITTLE ME: "Women and

children first!" (_grabbing a person's dress and wig_) "Captain! Have you

no shame!"

Actually, the phrase did NOT originate with the Titanic, nor its film A

NIGHT TO REMEMBER. It was used (first?) in Prudential Insurance ads--before

the Rock. This is from Leslie's Weekly, 16 July 1896, pg. 46. A captain is

giving instructions:

"Women and Children First!"

When a Ship is wrecked at sea, women and children have the first care.

It should be the same on shore--in life--always protect the family against

want with reliable Life Insurance...The Prudential insures the whole family.

Children, Women and Men from ages 1 to 70.

You also hear this phrase at the breakfast table, everywhere! I want to

marry a feminist! We'll go on a honeymoon cruise....