Date: Fri, 13 Sep 1996 09:42:09 -0500
From: "Salikoko S. Mufwene" s-mufwene[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UCHICAGO.EDU
Subject: Re: Southern accent -
Dale writes:
I neglected to mention that I was referring to Princeton freshmen who were
fresh from the South-- in their first week here, so adaptation to the college
environment played no role. These are people who grew up in the South and
went to school there. Perhaps some Southerners could comment on the situation
in their communities- especially high schools. Aren't there some students/
adults who sound northern? Is it occurring more often in private schools? In
urban areas?
I taught in the South in the 1980s (for ten years). I didn't really
start paying attention to features of Southern English other than the
stereotypical drawl until I read a couple of articles in the SECOL Review
([AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] 1984) that referred to the pronunciation of words such as "ring" and
"business" (and one case in which a UGA's Vice President said "libary" for
"library"). I started using some of these examples in class and even asked
undergraduate students (after persuading them that Southern English was as
good as any other variety, especially in the South itself) to transcribe
their most familiar pronunciations of such words and added some like
"hand", "fire", "floor", and "clothes". I was struck by the extent of
variation. (Surely, after noticing this in the classroom, I perceived more
variation outside the classroom as I interacted with nonacademics.) It all
seemed random to me. Impressionistically I could not establish, for
instance, whether the person that lowered the vowel of "ring" would
diphthongize that of "hand", vice versa, etc. I left the South with a
stronger sense of inter-individual variation (even if only in small ways),
and more convinced that a speech community and the dialect associated with
it are useful constructs to which there are plenty of exceptions, just like
social and psychological stereotypes for that matter. So, Dale, I am not so
surprised by your observation. On the other hand, Southerners who come to
study at Princeton and Yale may not be typical Southerners in their speech
either. They may fall in the category of exceptions to these dialect
stereotypes that make our study more manageable, I would think--which
justifies your query. They may also have been motivated from the start not
to want to sound Southern as they moved out of the South. Still, their
speech may also indicate that Southern English is not as universally spoken
by Southerners as our typical linguistic stereotypes may lead us to
believe. Sorry I misunderstood you.
Salikoko S. Mufwene s-mufwene[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
University of Chicago 312-702-8531; FAX 312-702-9861
Department of Linguistics
1010 East 59th Street
Chicago, IL 60637