Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 11:21:47 -0400
From: "Edwin H. Rutkowski" ehrutko[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]BINGHAMTON.EDU
Subject: Re: my grades are punk
On Mon, 16 Sep 1996, Dale F.Coye wrote:
I just read my grandmother's diary from c.1920 when she was at Cornell. She
wrote "My grades are punk." I asked my mother and father who were at Cornell
in the early 40s about it and they told me they thought everyone knew it
meant "very bad grades." I never heard it. Does anyone know how widespread
it was and when it died out?
Dale Coye
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Princeton, NJ
Coming into my teens in the 1930s, I can testify to "I'm feeling punk
today" as in very, very wide currency, with the same meaning as in
Coye's inquiry. Webster's New World Dictionary (3rd College Edition) still
lists it as Slang Americanism.
Edwin H. Rutkowski