I think I've been misunderstood slightly on "Whistling Dixie." Why
don't we have "Whistling Suwanee?" For example, say Whistling Dick had been
called Whistling Swan. THEN, a song called "Suwanee" comes along. I'm
certain you'd have "Whistling Suwanee."
Whistling Dick, who whistled "Mockingbird," himself was named after the
Whistling Dick bird of Van Dieman's Land (Tanzania). I also left out a minor
article, "On the Rhetoric of Popular Song: 'Y'ain't Juzz Whizzlin' 'Dixie''"
by Carl B. Holmberg, Popular Music and Society, vol. 9, no. 4, 1984, pp.
The proper name "Dixie" and its origins I said I would leave to another
day. I also have quite important stuff on the naming of the "New York
Yankees," which I was told will be in a revised "Yankees" entry in the next
edition of the Encyclopedia of New York City.
"Dixie" and "Yankee" are astonishing stuff--rather long, though.