Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 15:01:08 EDT
From: Michael Montgomery N270053[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]VM.SC.EDU
Subject: No subject given
I am interested in learning the geographical distribution and meaning of
the noun _brogue_ in reference to a distinctive way of speech. That is
to say, its application is/has become rather wider than to the way Irish
speak. When growing up in East Tennessee, I frequently heard reference
to an "East Tennessee brogue", meaning the distinctive way folks talked
there--there was no hint of a relationship to anything Irish or suggestion
of Irish features in the local speech.
The term is not entered in _DARE_, which would lead one to assume either
that its distribution is very widespread in U.S. or that it wasn't found
to have a meaning other than the standard one pertaining to an Irish
accent/dialect. Where in the U.S. is it attested? Do folks ever charac-
terize local or regional speech as a "brogue" in Texas? Indiana? West
Virginia? Arkansas? Is it used to refer only to accent or is it a more
generic term?
Thanks for any thoughts on this.
Michael MOntgomery, Dept of English
U of South Carolina, Columbia SC 29208