Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 14:43:06 -0400
From: Ron Butters RonButters[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: Re: etymology of FEIST
Someone writes:
fart is derived from Gk. perdesthai, Skt. pardate OHG is ferzan, doesn't
seem conected to veizen
This can't be right. If the Gk and Skt WORDS are truly as indicated, then
they are COGNATE with the Germanic words (including English FART) rather than
the words from which the English word "derives"; that is, all three are
derived from the same ProtoIndoEuropean form. If PERDESTHAI had been borrowed
into English, it would have come in as PERD--, not FART. Nor does it seem
likely that our ancestors would have reached to Sanskrit for the word for
something so common as the anal fricative.
Again I am working only from memory, but it seems to me that rhotacism
explains the r/z alternation here (cf. WAS/WERE, LOST/FORLORN), and that FICE
and FART are ultimately derived from the same ProtoIndoEuropean word.
Eric Hamp, where are you when we need you? (And is it true that your last
name is cognate with CANNIBIS?)