Date: Wed, 3 Sep 1997 17:09:31 -0400
From: Ron Butters RonButters[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Date: Wed 3 Sep, 1997 5:04 PM EDT
From: RonButters
Subj: Re: ADS in NY
cc: RonButters
Thursday January 8
3:00 pm-5:00 pm, General Session I--Chair: __AVAILABLE__
*3:00-3:30: "Idiom's Delight"--Christine Ammer, Lexington, MA
*3:30-4:00: " 'Er hat uns gesaved vun unser sins': Past Participial Marking
in Pennsylvania German"--Janet M. Fuller, Southern Illinois Univ.
*4:00-4:30: "Searching for Standard American English"--Judith W. Fuller,
Gustavus Adolphus College
*4:30-5:00: "Facilitating Self-Regulated Learning in English Language Studies
Classrooms"--Sonja L. Lanehart and Paul A. Schutz, Univ. of Georgia
Friday, January 9
8 am, Executive Council
10:30-11:30 am, Words of the Year nominations
1:00-4:45 pm Special Session on Reconfiguring Regional Dialects--Chair: Ellen
Johnson, [Western Kentucky Univ.????]
*1:00-1:30: "Dynamic Boundaries in African-American Vernacular English: The
Role of Local Dialect in the History of AAVE"--Walt Wolfram, Erik Thomas, and
Elaine Green, North Carolina State Univ.
*1:30-2:00: "Redrawing Ethnic Dialect Lines: A Synchronic and Diachronic
Analysis of /ay/ in Lumbee Native American Vernacular English"--Natalie
Schilling-Estes, Stanford Univ.
*2:00-2:30: "Takin' Bauman to the Burbs: Verbal Art in the Discourse of
Suburban Teens," Lisa Ann Lane, Univ. of Michigan.
2:30-2:45: break
*2:45-3:15: "Standard English Hardball: The Pressure of Transplant Dialects
on Young Atlanta Professionals"--Anne Marie Hamilton and Frank Bramlett,
Univ. of Georgia.
*3:15-3:45: "L-Handshape Variation in American Sign Language"--Ceil Lucas,
Mary Rose, and Susan Schatz, Gallaudet Univ.
*3:45-4:15: "Rising Glides in Chicano English"--Amanda Doran, Univ. of Texas.
*4:15-4:45: "Linguistic Behavior of Three South Texas Border Communities:
Same or Different?"--Kati Pletsch de Garcia, Texas A&M International
4:30-5:30 pm, Words of the Year final vote
5:30-6:30 pm, BYOB exhibit & refreshments
Saturday, January 10
8:00 am, official business meeting
9:00 am-12:30 pm, General Session II--Chair: __AVAILABLE__
*9:00-9:30: "Negation, Nasalization, and Regularization: Creating Similar
Diachronic Paths"--Kirk Hazen, North Carolina State University
*9:30-10:00: "_Was/were_ Variation in English: Primitive, Remnant, Syntactic
Restructuring, or Act of Identity? Evidence from Intervariety
Comparison"--Sali Tagliamonte and Jennifer Smith, Univ. of York, England
*10:00-10:30: "The Morphology of Past Tense in AAVE"--Patricia Cukor-Avila,
Univ. of North Texas, and Guy Bailey, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio
*10:30-10:45: "African-American Stereotypes in Early Twentieth-Century
English"--Richard Bailey, Univ. of Michigan
*10:45-11:15: "Mock Ebonics: Linguistic Racism in Parodies of Ebonics on the
Internet"--Maggie Ronkin and Helen Karn, Georgetown Univ.
*11:15-11:45: "The Language of the Free People of Color in Nineteenth Century
New Orleans: Evidence form the Journal of Sister Mary Bernard
Diggs"--Georgette Ioup, Univ. of New Orleans
*11:45-12:15: "Who Speaks Scots in the United States? An Analysis of Social
Labels in DARE"--Anne Marie Hamilton Univ. of Georgia
12:45 pm-2 pm, annual luncheon
2:15 pm-5:30 pm, General Session III--Chair: Bethany Dumas, Univ. of
Tennessee, Knoxville
*2:15-2:45: "Semantic Variability in Terms for 'medical research':
Implications for Obtaining Meaningful Informed Consent"--Ronald R. Butters,
Lyla Kaplan, and Jeremy Sugarman, Duke University
*2:45-3:15: " 'It'll kill ye or cure ye, one': The History and Function of
Alternative _one_"--Michael Montgomery, University of South Carolina
*3:15-3:45: " 'So I Says, Says I': Quotatives in Southern White
Discourse"--Margaret Mishoe and Boyd Davis, Univ. of North Carolina at
3:45-4:00: break
*4:00-4:30: "_Leave_ 'let': American Doppelganger"--Michael Adams, Albright
*4:30-5:00: "What Makes a Coinage Successful? The Factors Influencing the
Adoption of English New Words"--Valerie Boulanger, Univ. of Georgia
*5:00-5:30: "Complementizer Variation in American English: Overt, Covert, and
Pleonastic"--Beverly Olson Flanigan, Ohio Univ.