Date: Thu, 4 Sep 1997 14:07:05 -0700
From: Benjamin Lukoff blukoff[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Subject: graduate schools for dialectology & language study
I graduated in June from the University of Washington with a BA in
English, with minors in Linguistics and Russian Language. I am
considering doing graduate work in linguistics. My interests lie in
dialectology, lexicography, sociolinguistics, and language history --
especially those of the English language. Looking at various schools I
have found that English departments are almost all devoted to literary
criticism and creative writing, and that Linguistics departments are
almost all devoted to theoretical syntax and phonetics, or to cognitive
science. I've come across the Universities of Georgia, Wisconsin, and
Michigan. Are there any other schools and programs which the members of
this list could recommend?
Thank you all,
Benjamin Lukoff
"She is by my side, and the sky is wide -- so let the sun shine bright"
-- Ray Davies