Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 02:52:47 -0400
From: "Barry A. Popik" Bapopik[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: Teen Slang; Basketball Hall of Fame
This is from the Springfield (Mass.) Union-News, 9 September 1997, pg.
C6, cols. 5-6:
Brush up on your teen slang skillz
Central High School
Have you ever heard your teenager use a crazy sounding word on the
telephone? Well, here's an update on teen-age slang to help with
translation. Just remember to listen to how the word is used as it could
have more than one meaning.
1. BENJAMINS--Money.
2. BOO--Is usually used to talk about a boyfriend.
3. BOUNCE--To go out somewhere.
4. BUGGIN'--To act crazy or strange.
5. BUMMIN'--To dress in a very tacky way.
6. BUTTAS--Something that is nice or pretty.
7. CHILLIN'--Hanging out or just doing nothing.
8. CREEPIN'--Sneaking around or cheating on someone.
9. HERB--Describes someone with no skills.
10. HOT--Something is very stylish.
11. MOMZ DUKE--Refers to a mother.
12. PARLAYIN'--Hanging out.
13. PEEPS--Very close friend.
14. PLAYA--A person who cheats on someone.
15. POPZ DUKE--Refers to a father.
16. REPIN'--Means to represent something.
17. SHORTY--Is used to talk about a girlfriend.
18. SKILLZ--Means that you are able to do anything.
19. WHILIN'--Means to act crazy or lie.
Here are several commonly used words for which you might want to keep an
open ear.
1. BOOTY CALL--Having sex for fun.
2. DRAMA--A very serious problem.
3. GAT--Is a gun.
4. WET--Is to be very drunk.
These three words refer to a blunt or weed.
Now parents, every once and a while use these words in conversation to
show your teen that you have MAD SKILLZ!!!