Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 09:37:12 CST From: Luanne von Schneidemesser Subject: Re: knee high to ? In Message Fri, 1 Sep 1995 06:49:32 -0500, wachal robert s writes: >"a grasshopper" is standard and the only form listed in Wentworth and >Flexner. >Chapman also lists 'bumblebee', 'spit', and 'splinter'. Spears 1st ed. >doesn't list the item and I don't have his 2nd ed. here at home. > >Maybe Joan Hall has something from the DARE files. > >Bob Wachal We are entering 'knee-high to a grasshopper' in vol. 3. It appears throughout the country, but the form 'knee-high to a duck' is found chiefly in the South and South Midland. We also cite 'knee-high to a pup, jackrabbit, toad, bumblebee, cock-sparrow, June-bug, nothing.' Luanne