Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 16:12:49 -0500 From: Natalie Maynor Subject: Re: please send info > Can someone please forward the information for unsubscribing from this list? I'm answering on the list in case anybody else has the question. To unsubscribe, send this command to listserv[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] unsub ADS-L (Case doesn't matter. I normally use upper case when telling somebody what to do because a lower-case l looks like a 1.) To stop mail temporarily, send this command: set ADS-L nomail To start it again, send this: set ADS-L mail To see a list of subscribers, send this: review ADS-L To change to digest, send this: set ADS-L digest --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]