Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 16:24:58 -0600 From: Marianna Di Paolo Subject: Re: contempt vs. content >Marianna di Paolo writes (in response to Tom Clark), > >>>I've lived in and out of Utah. I knew "contempt" before I lived there, >>>but I've heard "content" used by old husbands who know better than to >>>rile their wives. But Marianna Dipaolo will be able to set us all right. >>>Cheers, >>>tlc > >>Well, I wish I could, Tom, but I have never heard the expression with >>anything other than "contempt". But so far the discussion suggests that >>"content" only occurs in Utah and maybe only in small towns. Is that >>right? >> > >Well, Marianna, I can assure you that while my "content" may have been picked >up in New York (Manhattan or Long Island--the source, no doubt, of my >"jew-le-ry"), or perhaps in California (L.A. or Berkeley), or even in the >midwest (Ann Arbor or Madison), it most definitely was not contracted in a >small town in Utah. > >Larry Sorry, Larry, I didn't remember your contribution when I tried to respond to Tom Clark. I must say that I enjoyed Tom's contextualization of his first hearing of "Familiarity breeds conTENT". Have the rest of you only heard it used facetiously as well or is it used in other types of contexts as well? Marianna Di Paolo m.dipaolo[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Linguistics Program 2300 LNCO University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112