Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 12:24:20 -0400 From: Jerry Miller Subject: Re: ?Gordon Bennett James Gordon Bennett was the publisher of the New York Herald, founding it in 1835. It was a fairly sensational rag for its time, but it also pioneered in the field of covering religion and generally is credited for creating "beats" for reporters to cover. While Bennett Sr. did some pretty outrageous things in his day, it probably was his son, James Gordon Bennett Jr., who outdid him and, perhaps, produced the exclamation you asked about. It was Bennett Jr., for example, who sent Henry Stanley to Africa to find Dr. Livingstone, I presume. I'm not sure who started the balloon race, however. Hope this helps a little. Jerry Miller Pulliam School of Journalism Franklin College (Ind.) millerj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]