Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 10:54:32 -0400 From: Terry Pratt Subject: Conference: Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association The annual conference of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association will be held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, on November 10 and 11, 1995, co-sponsored by the University of Prince Edward Island. For program, abstracs, and registration details, contact Dr. Terry Pratt, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, P.E.I. C1A 4P3. E-mail "tpratt[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]" Telephone (902) 566-0677. Some program highlights: THEME: MAKING LINGUISTICS ACCESSIBLE FEATURED SPEAKER: Katherine Barber, Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Oxford Dictionary: "SIN and Jambusters: What makes a Canadian dictionary Canadian?" OTHER PAPERS directly on this theme include "On Making Linguistics Useful for Teachers," "Making Saussure Accessible," "Drawing Connections between Language and Film Music," "The Case of Yiddish: Preservation or Revival." YET OTHER papers are of the kind traditionally found at this conference, which will visit the theme indirectly: "Historical Evidence and the Verb System of Newfoundland Vernacular English," "Script Switching in Written Japanese," "The Control Parameter: Evidence from Slavic and Romance." AND SOME NEED NO EXPLANATION: "Stall Wars: A Gendered Comparison of Latrinalia at York University," "Ms. Revisited: She's still a bitch, only now she's older!", "Is McLuhan a Linguist?" SOME SPEAKERS are from the region; others are 'from away': Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, Boston, Miami, Honolulu, Tokyo, and the Ukraine (Valentina Skibina, "On Nucleus Vocabulary of English"). OTHER ASPECTS INCLUDE a round table on linguistics applied to language teaching, a publishers' display, a BYOBAA table (bring your own book, abstract, article), a banquet in the beautiful Charlottetown Prince Edward Hotel, where the whole conference takes place (includes terrific three-mustard sauce).