Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 12:36:31 -0500 From: wachal robert s Subject: Re: 'dental dam' (fwd) Posted to the list at Lynne's suggestion RSW ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 16:52:02 GMT + 2:00 From: M. Lynne Murphy <104LYN[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]> To: wachal robert s Subject: Re: 'dental dam' > What is a dental dam? it's a sheet of latex that dentists use for isolating particular parts of the mouth to work on. dental dams are used for "safer" cunnilingus. one hears about them a lot in lesbian safer sex workshops/literature, but one rarely hears of them in heterosexual safer sex education. (draw your own conclusions.) in the earlier days of safer sex education, dams were difficult to come by, but now they come in various colors, flavors, &c. even though the lavender or minty ones are not used by any dentists i've ever heard of, they're still called "dental dams." yours from the sexual underground, lynne --------------------------------------------------------------------- M. Lynne Murphy 104lyn[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Department of Linguistics phone: 27(11)716-2340 University of the Witwatersrand fax: 27(11)716-4199 Johannesburg 2050 SOUTH AFRICA