End of ADS-L Digest - 24 Sep 1995 to 25 Sep 1995 ************************************************ There are 6 messages totalling 314 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Fw: NEH/NSF Cutbacks 2. 6.1313, Qs: Logic/Pragmatics, Dialect Samples, Russian Velars 3. NEH revised deadlines 4. "Whimmy Diddle" (fwd) (2) 5. Sweet Fannie Adams ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 09:18:55 -0400 From: Wayne Glowka Subject: Fw: NEH/NSF Cutbacks If you are filling out all those forms for an NEH summer stipend or living off NSF funds, you may want to read the following. Wayne Glowka >X-UIDL: 812118536.000 >X-Nupop-Charset: English >Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 08:13:15 -0600 (CST) >From: "Bryan McCullar" >Sender: bmcculla[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]mail.gac.peachnet.edu >Reply-To: bmcculla[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]mail.gac.peachnet.edu >To: wglowka >Subject: Fw: NEH/NSF Cutbacks >Content-Type: text >Content-Length: 3434 > > >------------------------------ >From: llapins[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]seraph1.sewanee.edu (Laura M. Lapins) >Tue, 26 Sep 1995 04:00:11 -0400 >To: Multiple recipients of list >Subject: NEH/NSF Cutbacks > >Dear CFNetters: > >Many of you don't deal with federal programs, but for those of us in >one-person shops, I thought you'd be interested in the following notices. >Thanks a lot, Newt! > >-- Laura > > > Subject: NEH Summer Stipend Program: $ for 1996 = cancelled > > Due to a probable significant reduction in the US National > Endowment for the Humanities' appropriation for fiscal year, > 1996, the October 2, 1995 deadline for NEH Summer Stipends has > been suspended. There will be no new deadline between October, > 1995 and October, 1996. > > For further information on NEH deadlines, please call the NEH > Public Information Office at 202 606 8400. > > Please notify your colleagues. > From: rbolin[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]NEH.FED.US > > > GUIDANCE FOR NSF GRANTEES, CONTRACTORS AND OTHER AWARDEES IN THE > EVENT OF AN NSF SHUTDOWN > > 1. Awardees (grantees, recipients of cooperative agreements, contractors, > etc. - EXCEPT those working on-site at NSF) should continue performance under > their NSF awards during any NSF shutdown period to the extent funds are > available under their awards. (This should apply to over 95% of NSF awards.) > > 2. Payments by NSF to its awardees are expected to continue to be made, > using normal procedures, during any NSF shutdown period to the extent funds > are available under NSF awards. > > 3. Contractors who DO NOT have sufficient funds to continue operations > during any NSF shutdown period should notify their cognizant Contracting > Officer as soon as this is known. Continuation of any activity in the absence > of additional funding will be solely at their own risk. > > 4. Other awardees (grantees, recipients of cooperative agreements, etc.) > who DO NOT have funds available under their awards to continue activities > during any NSF shutdown period also are cautioned that continuation of > performance under their NSF awards is at the awardees own risk. It is > expected that after any NSF shutdown is over, NSF will obligate funds to those > awards that would have otherwise been funded. NSF cannot now authorize costs > exceeding available award amounts nor obligate the NSF to cover such costs. > > EXCEPTION: Awardees undertaking or providing services or activities involving > the safety of human life or the protection of U.S. Government property, are > authorized to continue those limited functions necessary to meet those > responsibilities. NSF will obligate funds to cover those reasonable costs > after any NSF shutdown period is over. > > 5. Contractors, IPAs and others working on-site at NSF have been or will > be provided with other specific guidance. > > 6. Questions related to this guidance should be directed to NSF's > Division of Grants and Agreements or the Division of Contracts, Policy & > Oversight, as appropriate. > > > >****************************************************** >Laura M. Lapins >Director, Foundation and Corporate Relations >The University of the South >735 University Avenue >Sewanee, Tennessee 37383 >615/598-1128 or 1-800/367-1179 >615/598-1199 - fax >llapins[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]seraph1.sewanee.edu > >J Bryan McCullar >Institutional Advancement >Georgia College >Campus Box 96 >Milledgeville, GA 31061 >912 453 5771 voice/912 453 5744 fax >bmcculla[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]mail.gac.peachnet.edu > >