Call for papers: ADS Annual Meeting 2011, Pittsburgh

From Thursday, January 6, 2011, through Saturday, January 8, ADS will hold its next annual meeting at the Hilton Pittsburgh in downtown Pittsburgh, hosted as usual by the Linguistic Society of America.

Monday, August 9 is the deadline for proposals for 20-minute presentations. All you need is a title and an abstract of 150 to 300 words. Send it via e-mail to Executive Secretary Allan Metcalf at

Presenters must be current members of the American Dialect Society.

Audio-visual equipment: An LCD projector will be available for all presentations. If you will need other equipment such as an overhead projector, a tape player, or a CD player, please say so when you send your proposal.

Scheduling: If you have a preference for day or time of your presentation, please indicate that too. We cannot guarantee the time you prefer, but the program committee will try to accommodate you. The meeting will follow our customary schedule:

Thursday, January 6: Executive Council and annual business meeting in the afternoon. Program session in late afternoon, followed by Words of the Year nominations.

Friday, January 7: Programs sessions in morning and afternoon. Words of the Year vote and Bring-Your-Own-Book reception in the early evening.

Saturday, January 8: Program sessions in morning and afternoon; Annual Luncheon in between.

Proposals will be judged anonymously by a committee chaired by Luanne von Schneidemesser, ADS president-elect. If your proposal is accepted, you’ll be asked for an abstract of no more than 200 words for the LSA program.

Session chairs: If you’re interested in chairing a session, let the Executive Secretary know at Tell him any preference you have for time or topic.

Special sessions: If you’re interested in proposing an entire session rather than an individual paper, don’t wait till August. Get in touch with the program chair now at

Teaching panel: As usual, the ADS Committee on Teaching will sponsor a panel at the annual meeting. If you would like to propose a 20-minute talk, send your proposal directly to the chair of the Committee on Teaching, Anne Curzan, at Her deadline is also August 9.

Travel grant for ADS member: The first annual Audrey Duckert Memorial Travel Award of $500 to attend the Annual Meeting will be given to an ADS member. The recipient will be chosen by ADS President Connie Eble. Applications in the form of a letter to President Eble will be due September 1, after the program for the Annual Meeting has been determined. Audrey Duckert was a long-time member of ADS and co-founder of the Dictionary of American Regional English.

Travel grants for students: Four travel grants of $500 each will be awarded to students whose papers have been chosen for the program. Furthermore, all students who are members of ADS are invited to attend the Annual Luncheon for free.

Hotel and registration: ADS members will be eligible to reserve rooms and register for the meeting at LSA member rates. For details see the website

Future LSA-ADS meetings: 2012 January 5–8, Hilton Portland and Executive Tower. 2013 January 2–5, Hilton Minneapolis.

WOTY: As we have done for two decades now, we will choose candidates for Word of the Year on Thursday and vote for our WOTY the next day, with our Bring Your Own Book exhibit and reception immediately following. If you have a nominee for WOTY 2010, you can send it to our New Words Committee chair, Grant Barrett, at